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Wow! Perfect!!!We are so in love with this place, and the staff, chef, everything—amazing. 


I just wanted to tell you that we LOVE this condo that we're staying in!  It's so light and beautiful and I don't think that there is a better view.  I don't know if you've been here but there is nothing at all in front of you except the green of the golf course, beautiful trees and the ocean.  When you're inside or even on the deck you can't see any buildings at all.  The view and sunsets have been stunning!  We would definitely come back and stay in this one again.  Thank you so much for all of your help.  We so appreciate it!

Spent today sorting through pictures and reminiscing already about the absolute glorious time we all experienced at Casa Majani  Our children and grandchildren never stopped thanking us for bringing them and pausing to fully appreciate every moment of Casa Majani.  The setting and landscaping, the architecture,  the building materials, lighting, and furniture were chosen with the most care and articulated superbly.  There are no words to describe it!  The staff members were charming, professional and perceptive to our every need.  And the food was glorious!  We kept saying to each other that if everything was even half as well done, we would have thought it exceeded our expectations. Thank you for your efficient planning and thoughtful communications.